This has been one of the best years for me personally and professionally. Does it mean I served more clients or hit some type of monetary goal? Not necessarily. It has been successful in personal and professional growth that I’ve been able to serve such wonderful couples and families throughout this difficult season that we’re in, especially with COVID.
Last year I nearly gave up, feeling the weight of feeling lost in my business and facing the uncertainty of not knowing when this would all end or pass. I realized through many trials of not only adjusting our own plans (Stephen & I) with our wedding, but also adjusting plans for my couples too! The season of Steve’s mom passing was a bittersweet as well, but we learned to find joy while enduring sorrow.
If anything, 2020 has shown me to find joy in the midst of difficult times, and that has brought a kind of strength in and of itself. I’ve realized the success in “business” is quality, not quantity. The quality of relationships I’ve had with my couples and families this year has brought great joy in my life, and I only hope as much in their’s too! I hope to further engage in my joy with my couples (past, present and future) through all aspects of my life.
This card, brought me great joy to see my couple’s wedding photo come to life and to read the heartfelt note of the joy they experience looking through their slideshow of images daily! This is why I love every aspect of what I do, and what is giving me motivation and strength to endure this season and not only come out on the other side, but to not overlook the journey of this time that we’re in. Every aspect of this season is just as momentous as the times we romanticize about in the past or future. This IS about living in the present moment and acknowledging how blessed we truly are. I am beyond grateful. I am also looking forward to sharing and spreading the joy I speak about this Holiday Season.